Can I Buy a Car Insurance Before Purchasing a Car? 7 Pro Tips

Yes, You can buy Car Insurance before purchasing a vehicle. This is often done by setting up a policy in advance with the Insurance company where you will need to Provide details about the vehicle you intend to purchase. But make sure you are not changing your mind about the car you are going to purchase.

If you know exactly which car you are going to buy and you have the VIN number of that car, then buying ahead of time is okay.

Here’s how you can plan ahead If you want to get car insurance before buying a car
  • All in all, you don’t need it before you make the purchase, but you definitely can’t leave until you have it. So why not get all things done before or…
  • If you don’t currently have insurance, the dealership can’t let you drive off because the vehicle is still insured under them.
  • Meet with an Independent Insurance agent about getting coverage for the car you intend to buy. Say that you want him to bind the coverage the day you drive the car off the lot.
  • When you are finalizing the purchase, call the agent and give him the vehicle’s model and VIN. He will bind the coverage and you can drive the car home.
Benefit of Having Car Insurance?

Most importantly, you can get car insurance before registering and titling the car by your name, especially if you already have Insurance.

Can I Buy Car Without Insurance?

No, but you can not legally drive it without insurance or some proof of financial responsibility of self-insurance, unless it is on private property. And it is generally illegal to drive a car on public roads without insurance.

When Exactly do I get car insurance in the new car buying process?

Just after you picked out the car and price finalized, you can call the Insurance agent with the VIN and have them work up the policy while the dealership finishes drawing up papers. But I always prefer to discuss and meeting the Insurance agent ahead of my final purchase. In the Insurance market there are several types of car insurance you also get time to decide for which Insurance you should go and which one fulfill your requirements well.

What are Benefits of Having Car Insurance?
  • First of all do not take car Insurance in lite mode. It is too much of a pocket saviour. Plus, it’s legally required in most places. So it’s keeps you safe and legally protected.
  • Car insurance protects you financially if you’re in an accident. It can cover repair costs, medical bills, and damages to others, helping avoid big-out-of-pockets expenses.
Tips to Save on Car Insurance
  • The bestest tip I can give you is keep your record clean, maintain good credit and have a trustworthy agent check that all the discounts you can get are included in your pricing.
  • An Insurance company’s goal is to pay out as little as possible. So,
    • Prove the insurance company you are a safe driver so, no accidents
    • Take an accident prevention course
    • Get VIN etching done
    • Qualify for every discounts that exists
  • And make sure you only carry the insurance you need there are plenty of car insurance in the market choose the suitable one for yourself
  • Lastly here comes the pro tip of today, shop around. Go through a few insurance brokers, and possibly through a few direct agents. Compare quotes side by side to make sure no extras were added.

Doing all the above, I’ve been able to keep my rates much lower than most people I know.


Make sure to follow up the process and save as much as you can. And also do all these things beforehand in order to be hassle-free and drive off the lot right after buying the car you choose.

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