How to reduce AC bill in summer

Ah! Summer again. Wait, this is not your line this is the line of people in villages. But in cities like yours people use Air Conditioner(AC) to get rid of the hot side of summer season. But people in cities and most of their line here is, how to reduce AC bill in summer?


So, here are some tips for you ,which will give you instant result in one month:

  • 1. Seal your room properly: Close all the doors and windows of the room, make sure you don’t have any gaps or cracks in the windows and doors and also you can use latch doors to seal your room properly
  • 2. Avoid opening door frequently: Don’t open the door unless it’s important/necessary, avoid unnecessary door opening like if you’re talking with neighbor come outside but don’t stand in the middle of the door and also do inform your family about this
  • 3. Use fan instead of AC: During evening we often open window for some fresh air and even we leave open the balcony door at this time you can use fan instead of AC, and mostly at the time of festival we leave open doors and windows
  • 4. Optimal temperature setting: A myth that setting thermostat at 16-18 degrees will cool down the room faster. But that’s not true. Even if we are keeping our thermostat at 24-26 it will take the same amount of time to cool down the room. And moreover 24 degree is said to be the optimum temperature for the human body as per the BEE, i.e. the Bureau of Energy Efficiency. It also uses less electricity typically results in reducing your electricity bill
  • 5.Regular maintenance of AC :
    -Clean or replace filters every 1-3 months, especially during peak usage time like summer season
    -Check and Clean Evaporator and Condenser Coils
    -A clogged drain line can lead to water damage and reduced humidity control. Regularly inspect and clear the drain line to prevent issues.
    -Regular professional maintenance by a licensed HVAC
  • 6.Operate the AC and fan together: Using an air conditioner and a fan together can optimize comfort, improve energy efficiency, and help save on cooling costs, making it a practical strategy for staying cool during hot weather
  • 7.Turn on timer: This helps maintain optimal comfort levels without wasting energy by overcooling or overheating empty rooms. Incorporating a timer function into your air conditioner provides energy savings, convenience, temperature control, and potential benefits for both your budget and the environment.

By following above mentioned tips you can reduce your AC bill. And of course within your next electricity bill will be 40% lower than current bill you are paying.

Answering the most asked questions in simple and short:

a)Why my AC bill is so high?

Ans: Poor insulation, Old equipment, Incorrect thermostat setting, Lack of maintenance, air leaks, increased usage.

b)How to use AC at night?

Ans: Mostly at night I recommend you to use sleep mode and timer.

c)Which mode is best for AC to save electricity?

Ans: At night most people use sleep mode which run at cool mode for 2-3 hours and fan mode for the rest.

d)How to reduce electricity bill by 30%?

Ans: Adjust to the optimal temperature setting.

e)How much bill will come for AC?

Ans: Deciding the correct type of AC will help you to make a wise investment decision. The monthly electricity bill will be Monthly electricity bill for air conditioning= Units per month * Cost of one unit = 360 * Rs 6. = Rs. 2160.Conclusion
By using smart practices such as regular maintenance, efficient equipment, proper insulation, and mindful usage habits. By implementing these strategies we can reduce our AC bill.

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