There was a time when this vlogger was very popular and loved by many people. But now, his reputation is totally destroyed. If you look at the comments, people call him a joker. Every day, someone roasts him and How UK07 Rider DESTROYED his Reputation . On Instagram reels, people troll him too. Even Salman Khan made fun of UK 07 Rider on national television.
How Uk07 Rider went from Most Love to Love Heat :
UK 07 Rider always loved bikes, especially a KTM bike. But his family didn’t have enough money to buy one. So, he started saving money from his job as a YouTuber. Over time, he saved up one lakh rupees.
He thought he could buy the bike with this money, but the KTM bike cost around two lakh rupees. His mom then helped by giving him money from her savings.
They started uploading videos of moto blogging on their channel. At first, they didn’t get many views, but slowly, more people began to watch. A few months later, one of their videos went viral. This video got a lot of attention and people started subscribing to their channel.
As a result, they began earning money from their videos. During the lockdown, their following grew even more, and they built a decent subscriber base. They kept making videos about plogging and other topics that interested them.
More people started watching their YouTube channel and got to know them better. Then, they had some controversy with another YouTuber named Aamir Majid, which also brought more attention to their channel.
People who watch YouTube got to know more about a controversy involving another YouTuber, Aamir Majid. This controversy was important because it gave UK07 Rider a lot of attention. Almost every roaster and news channel talked about it.
The problem started when Aamir Majid, UK07 Rider, and his dad went on a ride together. UK07 Rider’s dad had some problems, so they were riding slowly. UK07 Rider had to stay behind with his dad, but Aamir Majid wanted to finish the ride quickly, so he went ahead. This made Aamir Majid upset.
A few days later, Aamir Majid released a diss track against UK07 Rider.
UK07 made a video where he got emotional and shared that people had made racist remarks about his girlfriend. Then, his girlfriend at the time, Savia Rites, also made a video explaining her side.
After that, UK07 received support from Elvish Yadav, Samrat Bhai, and Lakshay Choudhury, who also made videos. The controversy on YouTube ended as far as I remember, but Babu Bhaiya faced problems in his personal life because he had to break up.
Uk07 Rider Breakup story :
Babu had problems in his personal life because he wanted to break up. He felt he was standing up for Savya Rides , but Savya started siding with his enemies. This made Babu very sad, and he couldn’t make videos for 15-20 days. He talked about this incident in several podcasts, but it seems people didn’t believe him.
If you’re wondering what happened to Savya Rides, here’s the story. After a comment breakup, UK07 Rider got access to her channel’s password. He deleted all her videos, and now it seems her channel is gone too. She left her country and stopped moto vlogging. Now, she’s starting over from scratch.
But after this incident, it was the first time that UK 07 Rider’s reputation was questioned. People and friends wondered why he had to speak badly about someone he once had a relationship with and was probably going to marry. They felt it was better to let go of the past and move on.
Fight With Mobile Shop Owner :
This story is from the time when the iPhone 14 Pro Max was launched. UK07 got the phone from a man named Karan. Karan runs a shop in Haridwar called Case Uncovered. UK07 had bought things from him before.
Once, UK07 needed something at 1 AM, and Karan came to deliver it. Another time, he brought an iPhone 13 Pro Max to UK07’s house at midnight. But this time, there was a problem. UK07 wanted the 1TB variant of the iPhone 14 Pro Max, but Karan only had the 128GB version.
Karan told UK07 to take the phone and use it for his vlog but not to insert a SIM card.
UK07, a writer, lied in their vlog about buying a 1TB phone when it was actually a 128GB variant. The twist came when UK07 used the phone, making it technically second-hand, then tried to return it to the shop.
Anyone with common sense wouldn’t accept a used phone, and Karan bhai didn’t either. He also paid back the money in installments over 10 or 15 days. Since the shop didn’t take the phone back, UK07 went there and publicly shamed them in front of many people, calling them frauds and telling others not to buy from that shop.
Bihar Meetup Program :
A similar incident happened when they had a meet-up in Bihar. They had hired someone to manage the meet-up, but according to them, the people and the resort’s management were poor.
Uk07 Rider Said “It was my first time experiencing a hotel stay, and it was at Blue Diamond Resort. The hotel was really bad, and the management was terrible. They were very rude, even to Bhavya. I don’t understand why people invite you and then can’t handle things properly”.
The person who managed the event said that everything was organized well. The real issue was that the person had to attend a paid event, so he left early and blamed the management.
UK07 holds meet-ups in different cities, and often the police show up to see why there’s a sudden crowd. Most of these meet-ups don’t have permission, so they are usually informal and unorganized. These gatherings can cause problems for regular people because they create traffic jams. If an ambulance gets stuck in the crowd, it could be dangerous. People with important meetings or exams might also get delayed.
Importantly, holding such meet-ups without proper permission is illegal in India. If you do it, the police will come, and it can lead to trouble. This also harms the image of the police.
Uk07 Rider Also Speeding :

UK07 Rider often speeds when he buys a new supercar or superbike. He drives fast and posts videos of it. Thagesh mentioned this in one of his videos and said UK07 Rider’s reaction was silly.
UK07 Rider said that everyone breaks rules and speeds, but it’s not always caught on camera. He admitted that when he gets a new superbike, he feels the urge to drive it at high speed. He also said that just because he drives over 200 km/h, it doesn’t make him a bad person. He acknowledged breaking the rule but didn’t think it made him worse than others.
Maxtern Podcast Insights “Maxtern, एक यूट्यूबर, हाल ही में एक पॉडकास्ट में गए थे। उन्होंने वहाँ UK07 का बिजनेस मॉडल समझाया। उन्होंने बताया कि UK Supra की वैलिडिटी 6 महीने की होती है।Big Boss के दौरान उसकी वैलिडिटी खत्म हो गई और Supra को सर्विसिंग की जरूरत पड़ी। इसके लिए उन्हें काफी मेहनत करनी पड़ी।पॉडकास्ट के बाद, Max10 ने ट्वीट किया कि UK07 ने उन्हें पांच बार फोक किया क्योंकि उन्होंने यह जानकारी साझा की थी।”
Uk07 In Bigboss :

This is about Coffin and his experience on Bigg Boss. When he went on the show, it was probably UK07’s worst decision. He was criticized a lot for his performance there. On every platform, people called him by one name: Joker Anurag.
If you go to the comments section of the Joker song, it’s full of people calling him that name. He was roasted on Bigg Boss, and at one point, he had a breakdown and wanted to go home. There was even controversy about offering him two crores to leave the show.
In the end, he didn’t leave and wanted to stay despite his breakdown. His team fought with Bigg Boss officials, and after getting eliminated, he refused to give interviews.
One day, they had to leave home. They made a diss track against Big Boss. In response, Salman Khan made fun of them on the finale day on live television. Many YouTubers also made videos against them and roasted them, which hurt their reputation even more. Then, a day before the live television show, UK07 Rider challenged Munawar Pallo and another Big Boss contestant to a boxing match.
Recently, I saw UK07 Rider challenging another Bigg Boss contestant to a boxing match. While browsing the internet, I noticed that the issue with Elvish Bhai has grown big. What happened is done, but many people on Twitter were tagging Munawar’s story while sitting at home.
They were saying things like, “I’m tagging you in Munawar’s story. If you have guts, stop being an online gangster and trolling people.” Munawar replied to this by saying the same thing: “If you have guts, stop being an online gangster and trolling people.”But if they don’t reply, people start playing the Joker song and make fun of them. Honestly, this whole thing feels like a tragedy. It seems like they don’t realize their reputation is going down, but everyone else can see it.
I made the analysis of Zoro Seven Rider to show that you shouldn’t be heavily influenced by internet personalities. Often, what you see isn’t the truth, especially with vloggers. So, don’t believe everything you see.