There is news about SSC CGL 2024 vacancies. Friends, The information about the Income Tax Inspector vacancies, both state-wise and category-wise. Earlier, shared details about GST Inspector and Tax Assistant vacancies by state and category. This information covers all of India. If you haven’t seen the total vacancy chart yet. This way, you will get the fastest updates across India.

(SSC CGL)Tax Assistant(GST) :
Hey friends, I previously mentioned the Tax Assistant position for GST. This time, there are only 272 vacancies in North India. Overall, there are 1,620 vacancies for the Tax Assistant role. As a Tax Assistant, you can become a GST Inspector or an Executive Assistant after 10 years. Then, you can become a GST Inspector(SSC CGL) after another 5 years as an Executive Assistant.
However, this timeline might get shorter. It could take around 7.5 to 10 years instead of 15 years to become an Inspector. Many people really like the GST Inspector position. Some even prefer the Income Tax Inspector role more than this one.
GST / Excise Inspector :
(SSC CGL)Let’s talk about the vacancies. In 2022, there were 78 vacancies. In 2023, there were 302 vacancies. Now, in 2024, there are 456 vacancies in North India. Overall, there are a total of 2664 vacancies.
In Chennai alone, there are 572 vacancies for the GST Inspector position. The state you get depends on your rank.
Income Tax Inspector :
In Jaipur, there are 24 vacancies. In Kanpur, there are none. Kochi has 38 vacancies, Kolkata has 45, and Lucknow has 29. Mumbai has the highest with 49 vacancies. Nagpur has 3, Patna has 5, and Pune has 19. In total, there are 411 vacancies(SSC CGL). Last time, there were 143 reported vacancies, and before that, there were 450. However, North India did not have as many vacancies.
There is a high demand for ASO and CSS positions(SSC CGL). There are 930 vacancies reported for ASO and CSS, confirmed through an RTI reply. Knowing about these vacancies through the RTI reply shows that 930 is a good number of openings.
ASO and CSS(SSC CGL) are very good posts for a big reason. You get lifetime posting in Delhi. Many people prefer to stay in Delhi, so if you are selected for a CSS post, you will be placed in a ministry but will always stay in Delhi. This is the biggest advantage of this post—you will always live in Delhi.
The Income Tax Inspector said that if we confirm with RTI, there were 59 vacancies reported. However, the office views suggest around 400 vacancies might come up this time. But, we can only confirm the 59 vacancies for now. We hope more vacancies will be announced, but this is insider news.
For CVIC, around 1,455 vacancies are expected. There is no need to worry about this; it is confirmed. For Tax Assistant posts, around 2,250 vacancies are expected, but we haven’t received an RTI reply yet. We have heard that many vacancies are coming, so don’t worry about it.
Now, let’s talk about Nalbutex. There are 73 vacancies confirmed with no issues. There was a high demand from the association for details. The association has reported around 930 vacancies as firm and confirmed.
One big reason for this post is that you get a lifetime posting in Delhi. Many people want to stay in Delhi, so if you get selected in CSS, you will likely stay in Delhi. This is a huge benefit of this post.
Many people love this post because they can always live in Delhi. Share your favorite post in the comments below.
There are many posts for which data is not available yet. For example, the Postal Assistant vacancy. In 2022, there were 36,000 vacancies. Many people have a good chance of getting selected for such posts.
POSTS | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
GST INSPECTOR | 1113 | 2389 | 2692 |
INSPECTOR(EXAMINER) | 614 | 80 | 129 |
EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT | 222 | 570 | 124 |
INCOME TAX INSPECTOR | 450 | 168 | 400 |
TAX ASSISTANT (CBIC) | 471 | 900 | 1455 |
TAX ASSISTANT (CBDT) | 3122 | 587 | 2250 |
ASO CSS | 982 | 692 | 930 |
CGDA | 42 | – | 1799 |
CBN(NARCOTICS) | 23 | 34 | 73 |
INSPECTOR(PO) | 220 | 276 | 475 |
TOTAL | 36001 | 8415 | 10327* |