Undercover Korea: As most of us are aware that depressions are highly unrecognized disease in Asia and are not take seriously. Depression from early childhood or caused by later hardships in life, it just shows you how mental health is so important, just as important as any health issues.

Absolutely devastating to think how a person died by his or herself and no one noticed it until the smell.
Neither the neighbor nor the family knew until the tightly door opened. Their life journey ended in one compartment of wall. A death that no one noticed even with a thin wall in between. Until their last breath no one noticed them. When we look at the compartment it is hard believe that someone was breathing and living inside the wall. People who were with us are now gone but, what drove them to lonely death? What kind of person was the deceased?
Over the Past few years around 104,000 police records were found of unnatural deaths occurred nationwide over the past two years. Among police surveillance reports, based on keywords that have long been confirmed to be a lonely death such as, ‘decomposition’, ‘bad smell’, and ‘maggots’ have been categorized and comprehensively analyzed. About 3,700 lonely deaths were found in 2019 and about 4,200 in 2020. the most common areas were Gyeonggi-do, Seoul, and Busan.
In this generation People Care too much about working and being the best instead of just living life.
It is not just South Korea. It is everywhere, Society has become so toxic and and scary. It is a lot easier to sit alone at home instead of having the pressure and danger of being out in public. I suggest you to just be yourself and do what you like, and most importantly live in the present. Move if you have to.
Undercover Korea: Reasons of lonely death
Undercover Korea:Societal pressure
- Being like everyone else.
- Pressure to live up to someone else’s expectations.
- Pressure to hold others up when they can’t hold themselves up. Emotionally
- Peer pressure
Be strong about the benefits of saying no and be willing to say how much you like them. Make it clear that your choice comes from your values and be prepared to speak about them, if asked. You don’t have to, but it can be very powerful.
Challenge the need to ‘fit in’ and counter it with the argument that they should be more flexible and accepting of others ideas and behaviours. As long as you are not breaking the law, chopping off people’s legs etc, they should have no issue with someone who is different.

Mirror their behaviour back to them: ask them to justify why they have this expectation or that one. Some social expectations are ridiculous – like the one of having to drink alcohol. Why? Booze does not make you any better as a human being. It just impairs your judgement. Rejoice in your differentness and if your social circles really can’t accept you, then find some who can.
Working pressure:
Try to find the solution rather than sticking to the problems.
I follow the given solutions in order to avoid stress, you can follow them too.
1.Being realistic: believing the fact that everything is temporary.
3. Visualize
4.Take one thing at one time
6. Share your feelings
7. Be flexible with the situation
8.Go easy with criticism.
Depression|Mental health:
Depression is a common mental disorder. · Globally, an estimated 5% of adults suffer from depression.Being depressed is about “not”:
- Not wanting to move.
- Not being able to concentrate.
- Not wanting to talk.
- Not knowing what to want.
- Not wanting to do anything.
- Not ever being free of the pain.
- Not understanding my emotions.
- Not knowing why I’m feeling sad and alone.
- Not knowing what I should be feeling.
- Not smiling.
- Not laughing.
- Not reading.
- Not going shopping.
- Not socializing.
- Not feeling competent.
- Not feeling useful.
- Not feeling needed.
- Not wanting sex.
- And finally not knowing how to fix what’s wrong and sometimes not even wanting to be bothered with trying to get better.
Live your life:
Realize that people don’t think about you as much as you think they do. Don’t waste time thinking about what people may or may not be thinking.

2. Be who you are, no matter who you’re with. Always be true to yourself, even when it makes you uncomfortable.
3. People don’t know how to navigate life. Everyone makes it up as they go along. Some are better at faking it.
4. Things are rarely as good or as bad as they first appear. Don’t take any situation at face value. Remain steady and calm.
5. Appreciate others. There is something better than you in every person you meet. Look for that thing. Tell them what you see. They will feel valued.
6. Give to others. You’ll find what you’re looking for by helping others.
7. Don’t waste much time trying to figure life out. It’s been a mystery since the dawn of mankind. Greater minds have spent their entire lives trying to solve the same mystery. It’s unlikely to be solved in the next 40 years by yours truly.
8. Practice gratitude. Remember that someone, somewhere, is praying for things that you take for granted.
9. Don’t be so serious. Laugh a lot. It makes your brain light up. Make sure every day is filled with laughter. This usually happens when you’re surrounded by those you love, and who love you back.
10. Shy away from revisiting the past (regret) and predicting the future (anxiety).
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