In The First Descendant, a looter shooter from Nexon 

players will need to explore multiple outposts that have a couple of different missions to complete,  

which mostly involve defeating enemies with random players online (unless you're connected to your friends.) 

Kingston is basically the first major area you get to fully explore, and it has three locations that you'll go through to move the story of your Descendant forward. 

You'll start at Kingston's Destruction area. And, if you look at the map, you'll see that the area to the west, The Fallen Theater, is closed off.  

There's also an area to the north called Grand Square that is locked off. 

If you highlight the exits/entrances of these two areas, a message will appear on the screen saying, "Only experienced Descendants may enter." Here's how to pass through the red gates. 

How to Unlock Fallen Theater and Grand Square in The First Descendant

Simply put, all you need to do to unlock the other areas of Kingston is complete the quests within the first area and get the progress bar at the top left to reach 100%. 

Starting from Destruction, keep doing missions you're assigned, and eventually, you'll get access to other Battlefields.